Move Rests Plug-in

How to get there

  1. Select a region with the Selection tool .
  2. Choose Plug-ins > Note, Beam, and Rest Editing > Move Rests.

What it does

The Move Rests plug-in will move rests in the selected region to the specified position.

  • Move Rests in Layer: All Layers • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4. From this popup menu, specify the layer of the rests you want to move. Choose All Layers to move rests in every layer.
  • Action: Move rests ___ steps. Select this option to move rests the indicated number of steps. Type the number of steps to move into the text box. Positive numbers move the rests up, negative numbers move the rests down.
  • Create Moveable (Real) Rests in Empty Measures. Check this box to convert default rests to real rests in empty measures, and move them the specified number of steps along with the other rests.
  • Clear Manual Positioning. Select this option to clear any manual positioning of rests in the selected region.
  • Erase Shifted Real Whole Rests Entirely. This check box is active when Clear manual positioning is selected. Check this box to turn real whole rests back to default whole rests.
  • OK • Cancel. Click OK to make the selected changes. Click Cancel to dismiss the dialog box without making any changes.

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