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Mirror Attributes dialog box


How to get there

  1. Click the Mirror tool  image\Mirror_Tool.gif.
  2. Click an empty measure; use the Tilting Mirror dialog box, as necessary, to compose a composite mirror (see Tilting Mirror dialog box); click OK.



What it does

A mirror is an intelligent copy of an existing (or "source") measure in the score. When you edit the source measure in any way, all mirrors created from it are instantly updated to reflect the change. In this dialog box, you can specify certain ways in which you want the mirror to differ from the source measure. For example, you could specify that it be transposed up an octave (if, say, it’s doubling another instrument in the score). You can also specify stem direction, beaming, and whether or not you want various other elements (lyrics, chord symbols, and so on) to appear in the copy.

The advantage of all this control is that you can link the mirror to the source music, but the original and the copy need not be utterly identical. You copy only those elements you want to copy.

For this purpose, Finale offers you the ability to choose individual notes from a mirror or composite mirror; the result is a selective mirror. To create one, click the words Selective Mirror ID; Finale displays the Selective Mirror dialog box.

See Also:

Mirror menu 

Selection tool

Mirror Tool

Tilting Mirror



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