Justification submenu (Lyrics menu)

Noteman says: See Justification submenu for options within the Text menu.

This command, only available when Lyrics > Adjust Syllables is selected, is similar to the justification option in the Text tool icon. This allows you to easily justify the selected syllables relative to their alignment to noteheads.

Set the justification by selecting the syllable's ClosedhandleA small square which appears on currently "selectable" elements in the score. Handles allow you to select, edit and adjust musical elements in the score. and choosing from Lyrics > Justification or using a keyboard shortcut. The handle moves from one side of the syllable to the other, depending on which type of justification you have selected, and the syllable moves according to the bounds set by the lyric's alignment. To change the way the notehead is aligned to the syllables, see Alignment. If you wish to justify all lyrics, you may do so in Document Options - Lyrics dialog box. See Lyrics.

  • Default. Choose this command to make selected lyrics justified to the default positions as defined in Document Options - Lyrics dialog box. In this default, the lyrics are aligned to the center of the noteheads, the first syllable is left justified, and the following syllables are center justified.
  • Center. Choose this command to justify lyrics to the center of the notehead.
  • Left. Choose this command to justify lyrics to the left of the notehead.
  • Right. Choose this command to justify lyrics to the right of the notehead.

See also:



Lyrics tool