Modify Rests Plug-in

How to get there

  1. Select a region with the Selection tool .
  2. Choose Plug-ins > TGTools > Modify Rests.

What it does

The Modify Rests plug-in allows you to perform a variety of changes to the duration and appearance of rests for a region of your document.

  • Split. Choose one of these options to split rests in order to create ‘classical rests’ for music in the time signatures listed.
  • Simplify. Use these options to remove rests by expanding the duration of notes prior to rests.
  • Split Notes. Use these options to split note values in halves and insert the needed rests.
  • SHIFT Rests. Use these options to center rests in the measure.
  • GO • Cancel. Click GO to apply the current commands and leave the dialog box available for the next set of commands. Click Cancel to dismiss the dialog box without making any changes.