Special Tools menu

How to get there

Choose the Special Tools tool icon. The Special Tools menu appears.

What it does

Options in this menu control whether Finale displays or hides the ClosedhandlesA small square which appears on currently "selectable" elements in the score. Handles allow you to select, edit and adjust musical elements in the score. of elements in selected measures and the default tie behavior.

  • Show Handles. Choose this command to display a small square handle on each note, stem, beam, tie, or dot (depending on which Special Tools tool icon you're using). Deselecting Show Handles can be useful if the handles are obscuring some of the elements in your score. All the tools work the same way when handles are hidden, except that instead of clicking a handle, you'll have to click at the location where a handle would be if it were visible.
  • Tie Direction. Use this submenu to control the default tie direction relative to tied notes. See Tie Direction submenu.

See also:


Using Special Tools