You are here: Encyclopedia > L > Lyrics > Setting the baseline (vertical position) for lyrics graphically

To set the baseline (vertical position) for lyrics graphically

  1. Click the Lyrics tool  image\Lyric_Tool.gif. The Lyrics menu appears.
  2. Choose Lyrics > Specify Current Lyric to specify the lyric type and number, if you want.
  3. Choose Lyrics > Click Assignment or Type Into Score. Move the Lyric Window out of the way, if necessary. At the left edge of the screen is a row of four small triangles pointing to the right. They control the baseline for the lyrics. If necessary, click the staff whose lyrics need adjustment.
  4. Drag the leftmost triangle up or down to set the baseline for the entire piece (for the selected lyric type and number). As you drag it, the other three triangles move with it.
  5. Drag the second triangle up or down to set the baseline for the selected staff only, all the way through the piece (for the selected lyric). As you drag this triangle, the two triangles to its right move with it.
  6. Drag the third triangle up or down to set the baseline for this staff, this system only (for the selected lyric). As you drag this triangle, the rightmost triangle moves with it. Use this third triangle only in Page View (so you can see the system you’re affecting).
  7. Drag the rightmost triangle up or down to set the baseline for the next syllable, before it’s entered. This option is useful when you’re entering lyrics with the Type Into Score feature or by Click Assigning one syllable at a time.

For information regarding lyric baselines in linked parts, see Baseline Positioning in linked parts.



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